
pressing vine Learn more about pressing vine

  • Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

    Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

    Technology of pruning and pressing vine of watermelon

  • Technology of pressing vine and pruning of watermelon

    Technology of pressing vine and pruning of watermelon

    Vine pressing and pruning are the main technical links in watermelon cultivation and management. through vine pressing and pruning, land and light energy can be effectively used to regulate and inhibit the growth and distribution of watermelon stems, so as to improve the quality and yield of watermelon. 1. Invert seedlings and cultivate soil in the rhizosphere before pressing the vine. 6 true leaves appeared in the seedling and began to be smoked.

  • The latest course on the techniques and methods of pruning and pressing of watermelon

    The latest course on the techniques and methods of pruning and pressing of watermelon

    Watermelon pruning and vine pressing is a necessary work in the process of watermelon planting, which is very important to the growth of watermelon. Many people do not know what effect it has. How exactly should we do it? What do you need to pay attention to? Let's get to know it with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest watermelon pruning pressing vine technology method tutorial
  • The pressing vine of watermelon

    The pressing vine of watermelon

    The pressing vine of watermelon

  • How does cherry tomato press vine operate?

    How does cherry tomato press vine operate?

    How do you grow small tomatoes? The ideal soil for tomato cultivation is sandy loam to clay loam with deep, fertile soil layer, good drainage and considerable water holding capacity, and soil pH value of 5.6 - 6.7. Tomato avoid continuous cropping, appropriate and rice, beans, corn and other rotation. I. Variety selection...

  • How to manage watermelon vines

    How to manage watermelon vines

    How to manage watermelon vines

  • How to reproduce in the culture method of Luoshi vine

    How to reproduce in the culture method of Luoshi vine

    Luoshi vine is what we call windmill flowers. We have seen it before. Luoshi rattan grows to have feet, likes to climb everywhere, and can crawl houses and trees. What is the breeding method of Luoshiteng? How does Luoshiteng propagate? The culture method of Liriodendron chinense: soil and light, its adaptability is very strong.

  • How to manage the latest watermelon vines

    How to manage the latest watermelon vines

    Watermelon can be said to be the most popular fruit, and watermelon is also the fruit with the largest planting area in China. When growing watermelons, management is very important. And because watermelon is a kind of vine crop, it should be emphasized in management.

    2020-11-10 The latest watermelons vines how management it can be said
  • How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field?

    How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field?

    How to manage planting wax gourd in paddy field? What are the ways to increase production? Planting wax gourd in paddy field can increase yield in the following three ways: fertilizer and water management. It is not easy to water the stem of wax gourd at the growth stage, so we should take the management measures of "promoting" and "controlling". After watering, we should plough and preserve soil moisture and prolong the interval of watering.

  • What is the method of striping propagation of plants?

    What is the method of striping propagation of plants?

    Striping: the branches or stems of the mother plant are buried in the soil, and then cut off from the mother plant after rooting. According to the different burying method and position, the pressing strip can be divided into four ways: top bud pressing, simple pressing, root pressing and high-altitude pressing. The main difference between the top bud pressing and the simple pressing is that the former buries the end of the long vine into the ground.

  • How to grow towel gourd

    How to grow towel gourd

    How to grow towel gourd? Please introduce in detail the following methods for towel gourd cultivation: first, select improved varieties suitable for summer cultivation, that is, varieties that are not sensitive to short-day light, such as Xiayu towel gourd, new Xiatang towel gourd, Fengkang towel gourd, Yalu No.1, Xiuyu towel gourd and so on. Second, raising seedlings and transplanting summer silk.

  • How to prune and press watermelon covered with plastic film

    How to prune and press watermelon covered with plastic film

    How to prune and press watermelon covered with plastic film

  • Standardized cultivation and management techniques of pumpkin

    Standardized cultivation and management techniques of pumpkin

    Pumpkin is one of the older crops cultivated by human beings. it has a long history of cultivation, strong stress resistance, variety, strong adaptability, wide geographical distribution, high yield and storage tolerance, different fruit shape, size and quality, and colorful fruit. Pumpkin is an annual trailing herb

    2020-11-08 Pumpkin standardization cultivation management technology pumpkin yes human
  • What are the management points of planting Pueraria lobata?

    What are the management points of planting Pueraria lobata?

    What are the management points of planting Pueraria lobata? Please give guidance on the key points of planting kudzu root management can refer to the following methods: first, timely management of vines: strong germination of kudzu, fast growth of kudzu, timely management of vines after setting up frames. Each plant left 2-3 main vines on the shelf, and all the surplus vines were cut off. For the dirt box with more missing nests.

  • Planting cherry tomatoes: how to prevent cherry tomatoes from growing?

    Planting cherry tomatoes: how to prevent cherry tomatoes from growing?

    How to prevent cherry tomatoes from growing? Please introduce the method to control the growth of cherry tomato, the practice has proved that the effect of vine control is very good. Pressure vine can weaken the apical dominance and inhibit the rapid progress of vegetative growth, which can be used to regulate the growth of plants. The main purpose of pressing the lower part of the vine is to prevent seedlings.

  • How to grow the latest square watermelons?

    How to grow the latest square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons? Compared with the traditional round watermelon, the square watermelon is pressed by the mold, so its internal tissue is denser, sweetness is higher than the round watermelon, and it has the advantages of convenient transportation. In addition, you can write on watermelons, no matter what kind of words.

    2020-11-10 The latest square watermelon how grow plant
  • How to raise Luoshiteng? Is it poisonous? What are the effects and effects?

    How to raise Luoshiteng? Is it poisonous? What are the effects and effects?

    Luoshi rattan, alias stone dace, bright stone, hanging stone, Yunzhu, Yundan, red to leaf kidney, white flower vine. Distributed in Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places. It has high medicinal value. So, how to raise Luoshiteng? Is it poisonous? What are the effects and effects? How to raise Luoshiteng?

  • Watermelon planting techniques and management methods

    Watermelon planting techniques and management methods

    Watermelon is a fruit that is loved by consumers, but there are still many melon farmers who encounter problems in the planting process of watermelon. Here we will talk about watermelon planting technology and management method. Watermelon planting management method 1, land selection and fertilization: watermelon planting should be selected soil layer

    2020-11-09 watermelon planting technology management method is deeply widely
  • How do you grow square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons?

    How do you grow square watermelons?

  • The technique of growing watermelon with large fruit

    The technique of growing watermelon with large fruit

    1. Land selection 1. Soil quality: choose sandy land with loose soil and good permeability. Black land with about 30-40% sand content is the best. Clayey soil to increase the number of ploughing, improve soil permeability, it is best to turn the land in autumn. Do not plough the melon vine above 30cm to prevent it.

    2020-11-08 Grow big fruit type watermelon technology one select land soil quality